Teeth Whitening in Gandhinagar

Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening in Gandhinagar

Teeth Whitening allows you to rectify your yellow and dull teeth and get a proper and brightening smile. Mostly, it is done by using a peroxide-based bleaching agent. We at GMDC Dental Clinic have better and safer options for Teeth Whitening with no side effects on your tooth.

Tooth whitening can be done at home and by professionals in the clinic. If you are choosing the home option, we caution you about improperly using over-the-counter products. They can be too abrasive and can damage the teeth with longer use. To avoid such mistakes, you must go with Our professionals in our clinic for Teeth Whitening in Gandhinagar.

Who Can Go for Teeth Whitening Treatment?

Nowadays, many people opt for Teeth Whitening to get an enhanced look, but this is an option for some needy people as well. Here are the types of people list who can opt for Teeth Whitening Treatment.

  • People have dark teeth due to ageing.
  • Those who have orange spotting on their teeth because of having coffee, teas, smoking and other foods.
  • Those who have teeth with tooth enamel can also go for whitening treatment.
  • People who got grey or brown stains due to excessive fluoride water intake
  • Those who get brown or grey stains by the use of certain medicines.

Benefits of Teeth Whitening

For those who want to enhance their look with a beautiful and bright smile, Teeth Whitening in Gandhinagar is the solution for them. Here we have listed some of the benefits of Teeth Whitening :

  • There is no damage to the teeth's enamel, dentin, or any other natural structure.
  • It is safe, has no severe adverse effects, and causes no pain during treatment.
  • You can repeat teeth whitening for an indefinite time, whether at the hospital or home, whenever and wherever you need.

What is the Procedure for Teeth Whitening?

The procedure of teeth whitening takes several steps we have mentioned here :

  • Our dentist will do a full oral examination, including oral and teeth cavities. To prepare the teeth surface for bleaching, the dentist will remove tartar, polish them, or do dental fillings.
  • For protection, the dentist will apply the lips, tongue, cheek, and gum barrier. Also, apply a protective gel on the gums and surrounding tissues to prevent the contact of buccal and gum tissues with the whitening gel inside the mouth.
  • To dry your teeth, we use a blow-dry process and apply the whitening gel for bleaching.
  • With the use of dental devices, the stimulation of gel will be done and penetration through the enamel layer to remove the stain and dull brown, yellow, and black teeth into a whiter shade.
  • The coating of teeth whitening gel will proceed and repeat for 3-4 rounds. Repeatation will be done every 15 min. The total duration is of 45 min to 1 hour, depending on your condition.
  • In the last session, a special fluoride coating is applied to teeth to reduce tooth sensitivity.
  • After the completion of the process, the whitening gel will be sucked out and wiped to clean the teeth and mouth area. If you want this, consult us as you will get the best Teeth Whitening Service in Gandhinagar at the best cost.

Aftercare of Teeth Whitening

You have to take care of everything if you want it to last long, and so goes for teeth whitening. Here are the points you should look after if you have done Teeth Whitening Treatment.

  • Avoid food and beverages that can lead to tooth discolouration, like tea, coffee, red wine, deep-coloured juices, soft drinks and sour foods with high acidic power.
  • To prevent tooth sensitivity, avoid hot and cold drinks.
  • If you want to avoid teeth sensitivity, try using hyposensitivity or fluoride-containing toothpaste.
  • Do regular gum and tooth cleaning, with twice brushing every day to maintain a pearly white smile and keep it long-lasting

What is the Cost of Teeth Whitening in Gandhinagar?

Generally, the Teeth Whitening Cost in Gandhinagar will be between 1000 to 10,000 INR. However, it can differ depending on your treatment. We are here to serve you the best quality treatment to you for your best experience treatment.

Why Should You Choose GMDC for Teeth Whitening in Gandhinagar?

  • You get faster and more long-lasting procedures.
  • The professionals are more attentive and careful during the Teeth Whitening procedure.
  • Irrespective of the reason why you want to bleach your teeth, our experienced dentists will provide customized treatment and services to achieve the desired results.
  • We help you to protect your teeth with professional care.

GMDC team is providing you with world-class treatment for Teeth Whitening in Gandhinagar. We are here to provide every help needed for dental-related problems. Visit our dental clinic to sort out all the queries and problems of dental-related issues. Our friendly dentists have years of experience with every type of patient. So, even if you are scared and uncomfortable, they will make you understand everything, but before that, our team will do everything to make you comfortable so that you understand everything with a calm mind.